Discover Pro

Discover Pro is the full Discover module in Pyramid for users to author and build reports and visualizations, perform ad-hoc, interactive analytics and create content for dashboards and publications. It is the venue where you'll build your visualizations from scratch; make selections for those visualizations; apply styling and formatting; configure filters and sorting; integrate custom calculations, KPIs; and more.

The 'Pro' experience, for users with a 'Pro' license, usually comes with WITH ALL sophisticated features enabled. However, via user profiles, admins can disable advanced options and advanced analytics within Discover Pro - either for specific users or roles. Separately, there are other variations of Discover are designed for different use cases and are generally suited for less technical users.

  • Natural Language Query - a tool for asking plain English questions to create analytic reports
  • Smart Discovery - an AI driven tool for automated data visualization
  • Discover Lite - a heavily simplified version of Discover Pro for less technical users

While Pro licensed users can up or down grade the version of Discover they use (and in some cases access multiple versions), 'Analyst' and 'Viewer' licensed users are exposed only to a subset of the functionality.

Each interface produces the same outcome and the content is functional in all of the different tools.

  • Click here for more on all the Discover tools and types and what is available for each license type.

Discover Pro Workflow

The following section of help will focus on the functionality of the Discover Pro toolset covering these topics in depth:

  1. Accessing Discover Pro and starting a Discover session - where to start
  2. The Discover Pro Workspace and application layout - what all the menus and buttons are for
  3. Navigating data models, building queries and reports - how to create analytic content, use data, manipulate queries and add calculations. This includes:
    • Building Queries - covering the use of the metadata "trees", drop zones and visualization construction
    • Changing Queries - covering all the tools to manipulate queries interactively, via wizards and advanced analytic tools
    • Adding Calculations - covering all the techniques for adding custom business logic to your queries and reports
  4. Formatting and design controls - how to customize the cosmetics of visualizations and reports
  5. Extending analytic functionality - additive tools and features for Discover that go beyond queries, reports and visualizations
  6. Managing Discover content - the details on how to save, open, print and share your analytic discoveries and reports